Problem Statement : Get the packed BOMLines for Particular Item Revision ?
Here is the answer:-)...By setting property on bomwindow
Steps to follow...
i) Open BOM for ItemRevision
Please refer the link to openBOMWindow
This will provide you the ArrayList containing the bomwindow and top bomline.
ii) Set property on BOMWindow
Here is the answer:-)...By setting property on bomwindow
Steps to follow...
i) Open BOM for ItemRevision
Please refer the link to openBOMWindow
This will provide you the ArrayList containing the bomwindow and top bomline.
BOMWindow bomWindow = ArrayList.get(0); BOMLine parentLine = ArrayList.get(1);
ii) Set property on BOMWindow
VecStruct vecStructPackedBom = new VecStruct(); vecStructPackedBom = new VecStruct(); vecStructPackedBom.stringVec = new String[]{ "true" }; mapOfAttributes.put( "is_packed_by_default",vecStructPackedBom ); ServiceData setProperties = DM_Service.setProperties( new ModelObject[]{bomWindow}, mapOfAttributes );iii) Get bomLines
ModelObject[] arrChildLines = null; DataManagementService datamantService = DataManagementService.getService(m_tcConn); datamantService .getProperties( new ModelObject[] { parentLine }, new String[] { "bl_child_lines" } ); arrChildLines = parentLine.get_bl_child_lines();