How do you find the real name for object type ?
Here we will understand how to find the real name value from display name value of object type. I came across one use case where client has not provided the real name for object type but we needed it because we were writing the code to cleanup the data but some property has references to it that we need to clear /remove value so we need to check the type of property( i.e runtime ,reference etc ... ).
Find the real name for object type : "Item Revision" see the highlighted part in snapshot
If you search in BMIDE for Item Revision then you find nothing ... why? because its a display value .
so lets find out its real value and then search in BMIDE :-)
To find the real value you need to know the tcdata location ( when we install Teamcenter we specify the tcdata location which contains model folder ).
Search in model folder the display value using notepad++ software ctrl + f option .
Please check the snapshot for more detail ...
If you check second last line in the snapshot you find the real value(ItemRevision) for display value(Item Revision).
Another example :
If you check second last line last line in the snapshot you find the real value(FM9_MtrPrtsItemRevision) for display value(Motorparts Item Revision).
Real value and display value is define in the *_en_US.xml file (star(*) define the template name)
Confirm above statement : To confirm above statement I created one sample project in BMIDE and added one business object as child of Item and provided the display value to it different than actual value and saved the data model.Then I checked the *_en_US.xml file which actually define the display value and real value , no other file contain this informaton .
Please check the snapshot for more details ...
Here we will understand how to find the real name value from display name value of object type. I came across one use case where client has not provided the real name for object type but we needed it because we were writing the code to cleanup the data but some property has references to it that we need to clear /remove value so we need to check the type of property( i.e runtime ,reference etc ... ).
Find the real name for object type : "Item Revision" see the highlighted part in snapshot
If you search in BMIDE for Item Revision then you find nothing ... why? because its a display value .
so lets find out its real value and then search in BMIDE :-)
To find the real value you need to know the tcdata location ( when we install Teamcenter we specify the tcdata location which contains model folder ).
Search in model folder the display value using notepad++ software ctrl + f option .
Please check the snapshot for more detail ...
If you check second last line in the snapshot you find the real value(ItemRevision) for display value(Item Revision).
Another example :
If you check second last line last line in the snapshot you find the real value(FM9_MtrPrtsItemRevision) for display value(Motorparts Item Revision).
Real value and display value is define in the *_en_US.xml file (star(*) define the template name)
Confirm above statement : To confirm above statement I created one sample project in BMIDE and added one business object as child of Item and provided the display value to it different than actual value and saved the data model.Then I checked the *_en_US.xml file which actually define the display value and real value , no other file contain this informaton .
Please check the snapshot for more details ...