Thursday, 31 August 2017

NX Utility : ug_import : How to use

How to upload data using ug_import.bat which uses ugmanager_import.exe internally 

If you want to create the structure like below 

using ug_import utility then

1) create assembly1 and comp1 in Teamcenter of required type and note down their item_id
2) You must have  Comp1.prt and assembly1.prt available [I have at  C:\AB\NX_Test\Assembly_Test\ location ]
3) create comp.clone file for uploading of component first
it has field like below

[comp1.prt] .prt for component mentioned in step 2
db_part_no=011167 Item_id for component created in Teamcenter check step 1
!db_part_name=Tooling-Other                             no need its commented line
db_part_rev=A                                           initial revision
db_part_type=MY_MtrPToolingI                           Part type of object you want to create

3) create .clone file for uploading of assembly 
it has field like below

[assembly1.prt] .prt for assembly mentioned in step 2
db_part_no=011168 Item_id for assembly created in Teamcenter check step 1
!db_part_name=Tooling-Other no need its commented line
db_part_rev=A initial revision
db_part_type=MY_MtrPToolingI Part type of object you want to create

[comp1.prt] .prt for component mentioned in step 2
db_part_no=011167 Item_id for component created in Teamcenter check step 1
!db_part_name=Tooling-Other                             no need its commented line
db_part_rev=A                                           initial revision
db_part_type=MY_MtrPToolingI                           Part type of object you want to create

4) execution for component
5) Start TC commond prompt

C:\apps\siemens\teamcenter\FMVMDEV\tcroot\tc_menu>SET TC_ROOT=C:\apps\siemens\te

C:\apps\siemens\teamcenter\FMVMDEV\tcroot\tc_menu>SET TC_DATA=C:\apps\siemens\te


//First Load the child part
//Start loading child part

C:\apps\siemens\teamcenter\FMVMDEV\tcroot\tc_menu>"C:\eng_apps\siemens\NX10\UGMANAGER\ug_import" -u=infodba -p=infodba -part="C:\AB\NX_Test\Assembly_Test\Comp1.prt" -mapping="C:\AB\NX_Test\Assembly_Test\comp.clone"

Warning: The utility "ugmanager_import" has been deprecated.

Use the "tcin_import" utility instead.


******************** NX Import Utility  ********************
Using NX 10
Using assembly load options - Load from directory.
Using supplied mapping file: [C:\AB\NX_Test\Assembly_Test\comp.clone]
Loaded [C:\AB\NX_Test\Assembly_Test\Comp1.prt]
Connecting to the database...
FCC interface version fms.
Loaded implementation library 'C:\apps\siemens\teamcenter\FMVMDEV\tcroot\tccs\lib\FCCClientProxyDllv11064.dll'.
FCC Interface Implementation fms. initialized.
FCC interface version fms.
Loaded implementation library 'C:\apps\siemens\teamcenter\FMVMDEV\tcroot\tccs\lib\FCCClientProxyDllv11064.dll'.
Import parts to database using Teamcenter (UG/Manager mode) V10000.1.0
Connected to the database.

The NX assembly [C:\AB\NX_Test\Assembly_Test\Comp1.prt] comprises [1] parts
Part # 1, [C:\AB\NX_Test\Assembly_Test\Comp1.prt]
          Part number in Teamcenter is [011167/A] in folder [Newstuff]
          Part will be created with type [MY_MtrPToolingI].

Part Name for Part [011167/A] will be changed to "011167"
Part Description for Part [011167/A] will be changed to "Comp1"

Starting Save.............
Saved part [011167/A] successfully.

All parts were successfully saved.

************ UG_IMPORT finished without error ************


6) //Make sure child part is loaded in Teamcenter
7) //Now load the assembly 
 //Start loading the assembly
 C:\apps\siemens\teamcenter\FMVMDEV\tcroot\tc_menu>"C:\eng_apps\siemens\NX10\UGMANAGER\ug_import" -u=infodba -p=infodba -part="C:\AB\NX_Test\Assembly_Test\assembly1.prt" -mapping="C:\AB\NX_Test\Assembly_Test\assy.clone"

Warning: The utility "ugmanager_import" has been deprecated.

Use the "tcin_import" utility instead.


******************** NX Import Utility  ********************
Using NX 10
Using assembly load options - Load from directory.
Using supplied mapping file: [C:\AB\NX_Test\Assembly_Test\assy.clone]
Loaded assembly [C:\AB\NX_Test\Assembly_Test\assembly1.prt]
Connecting to the database...
FCC interface version fms.
Loaded implementation library 'C:\apps\siemens\teamcenter\FMVMDEV\tcroot\tccs\lib\FCCClientProxyDllv11064.dll'.
FCC Interface Implementation fms. initialized.
FCC interface version fms.
Loaded implementation library 'C:\apps\siemens\teamcenter\FMVMDEV\tcroot\tccs\lib\FCCClientProxyDllv11064.dll'.
Import parts to database using Teamcenter (UG/Manager mode) V10000.1.0
Connected to the database.

The NX assembly [C:\AB\NX_Test\Assembly_Test\assembly1.prt] comprises [2] parts
Part # 1, [C:\AB\NX_Test\Assembly_Test\assembly1.prt]
          Part number in Teamcenter is [011168/A] in folder [Newstuff]
          Part will be created with type [MY_MtrPToolingI].

Part # 2, [C:\AB\NX_Test\Assembly_Test\Comp1.prt]
          Part number in Teamcenter is [Comp1/A] in folder [Newstuff]
          Part will be created with type [Item].

Creating Comp1/A
Part Description for Part [Comp1/A] will be changed to "Comp1"
Part Name for Part [011168/A] will be changed to "011168"
Part Description for Part [011168/A] will be changed to "assembly1"

Starting Save.............
Saved part [Comp1/A] successfully.
Saved part [011168/A] successfully.

All parts were successfully saved.

************ UG_IMPORT finished without error ************

Thursday, 10 August 2017

Teamcenter Login Issue : ITK_internal_error : Unclassified error/exception:See system log file for possible explanation.

Today, I was trying to execute the batch program to fetch the item .Program was working previously  but it got failed with following exception
 ITK_internal_error:Unclassified error/exception:See system log file for possible explanation.

Then I tried to login using Teamcenter and faced the same error 

So, I checked the syslog file some of the statement was 

Teamcenter Engineering could not connect to the DBMS specified in the
TC_DB_CONNECT environment variable.
This could be because the DBMS is not online or the server
is not accessible from your node.


ITK_init_module_prelogin failed - at D:\workdir\tc10132x_win64\src\core\tc\infomanager_itk.cxx(1980)

So I tried to login DB using command prompt 

and provided the user as infodba and it has shown that password has expired so I changed it to same password and it worked.

Note : Before starting Teamcenter close all the TAO window and run genregxml.bat available at location TC_ROOT/portal/registry