Thursday 8 December 2016


In Teamcenter an assembly structure is represented by a BOM View. BOM Views are associated with Items, and each Item Revision will have it’s Revision of the BOM View.

 Precise and Imprecise apply to BOM view revisions.
 If a BVR is precise the components are item revisions(i.e Precise BVR points to Item Revision and Imprecise BVR points to Item); the BVR defines precisely which revision is used by the structure. If the assembly is imprecise the components are items; the BVR is not precise about the revision to which the assembly refers.)

The main thing to know though is that even if an assembly is precise, you can still configure it to load latest working revisions or latest released or whatever by picking the appropriate revision rule.
Basically, you can choose to look as the structure precisely as it was last updated, or imprecisely using which ever revision fulfills your selection criteria.

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