How about downloading file present in Dataset ?
Consider we have UID for dataset which is to be downloaded i.e its named reference is to be downloaded
Get the Model object from UID
Consider we have UID for dataset which is to be downloaded i.e its named reference is to be downloaded
Get the Model object from UID
ModelObject[] modelObjects = getModelObjectsFromUIDs( arrayOfUIDs,tcConnection ); private static ModelObject[] getModelObjectsFromUIDs(String[] arrayOfUIDs, Connection connection) { ModelObject[] arrModelObjects = null; if (arrayOfUIDs.length > 0) { ArrayList<ModelObject> modelObjects = new ArrayList<ModelObject>(arrayOfUIDs.length); DataManagementService dataManagementService = DataManagementService.getService(connection); ServiceData loadObjects = dataManagementService.loadObjects(arrayOfUIDs); //Load objects for provided UIDs for (int i = 0; i < loadObjects.sizeOfPlainObjects(); i++) { modelObjects.add(loadObjects.getPlainObject(i)); } if (modelObjects != null && modelObjects.size() > 0) { arrModelObjects = modelObjects.toArray(new ModelObject[0]); } } return arrModelObjects; }Now Load the ref_list property on dataset which actually contain the files names
dataManagementService.getProperties( modelObjects, new String[]{ "ref_list" } );
Dataset dataset =null;
ModelObject[] files = null;
if ( modelObject instanceof Dataset )
dataset = ( Dataset ) modelObject;
files = dataset.get_ref_list();//Gives named referenced objects
Check if named reference is actually the required file
ArrayList<ModelObject> al = new ArrayList<ModelObject>();
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++)
if ( files[i] instanceof ImanFile )
al.add( files[i] );
ModelObject[] newFiles = al.toArray( new ModelObject[al.size()] );
//Load the original name for files
dataManagementService.getProperties( newFiles, new String[]{"original_file_name"} );
Get/Download the Files
//FileManagementUtility is in package com.teamcenter.soa.client
FileManagementUtility fileManagementUtility = null;
//Get the Fms_BootStrap_Urls Preference
SessionService localSessionService = SessionService.getService(getTcConnection());
Session.ScopedPreferenceNames[] arrayOfScopedPreferenceNames =
new Session.ScopedPreferenceNames[1];
arrayOfScopedPreferenceNames[0] = new Session.ScopedPreferenceNames();
arrayOfScopedPreferenceNames[0].names = new String[] { "Fms_BootStrap_Urls" };
arrayOfScopedPreferenceNames[0].scope = paramString2;
Session.MultiPreferencesResponse localMultiPreferencesResponse =
String bootStrapURL=localMultiPreferencesResponse.preferences[0].values[0];
//strDirPath is folder path /location where file will be downloaded
fileManagementUtility = new FileManagementUtility( localConnection, null,
null, new String[]{ bootStrapURL }, strDirPath);
GetFileResponse responseFiles =
fileManagementUtility.getFiles( modelObjects );//Download the files but with Tc internal name
File[] filesFromModelObjects = responseFiles.getFiles();
Rename the file to Original name based on ref list model objects ->newFiles and downloaded files -> filesFromModelObjects
for(File fSrc : filesFromModelObjects)
ImanFile imFle = (ImanFile) newFiles[i];
String originalFileName = imFle.get_original_file_name();
File fTmpDest = new File(strDirPath + File.separator + originalFileName);
Explanation : Important API
fileManagementUtility.getFiles( modelObjects );
I am trying to use your sample code for dataset files download. However i am bit confused with the modelObject reference used in
ReplyDeleteif (modelObject instanceof Dataset) {
dataset=(Dataset) modelObject;
I can't find declaration of modelObject variable inside your code. Could you please help me ?
I have same question. about modelObject